The JAMB past questions and answers for Agricultural science are available here, you can answer the questions on this page and also download the Agric JAMB questions and answers in PDF.
The reason why we decided to publish these Agric Questions and Answers here, is to help JAMB candidates (both UTME/DE) who selected Agriculture as one of their Subject Combinations adequately prepare for the forthcoming JAMB examination.
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These are not questions pulled from Agricultural science JAMB recommended textbooks, No, these are questions that frequently pop up during the JAMB examination.
Recommended: We all know that the official JAMB Novel, Sweet Sixteen will appear on all Candidate’s Examination questions in Use of English.
If you have been worried and really want to know the questions JAMB will set in Agriculture for 2022 UTME, and Agric most likely questions to come out in JAMB Agriculture? then this page is certainly for you because it provides you with Agriculture Questions and Answers for JAMB 2022.
These 80 Agric JAMB past Questions and answers will cover every Chapter in JAMB Agriculture. However, the Likely Agriculture Questions will not be arranged topic by topic, so you can understand how JAMB sets their questions and be ready by practicing these ones below.
Here are the Questions in JAMB Agriculture that will certainly help you in 2022. Trust me, some of the 2022 JAMB Agricultural questions are likely to come out from these questions shared below.
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How To Pass JAMB Agric Science Questions.
- Make sure you read, listen and always adhere to instructions.
- Answer the questions you know best, then go through the questions again to answer those you are not 100% certain of.
- Always Manage your allocated time well.
- Never predict answers, except you have no other choice.
- Read the question well before answering.
- Do constant revision on previous Agric questions.
- Don’t skip examples and exercises.
- Test yourself on Agric questions.
JAMB Past Questions and Answers For Agricultural Science.
You can check the answers to these questions at the end of the questions (bottom of the page)
1. Soil texture is described as the:
- A. distribution of different sizes of soil particles
- B. arrangement of soil particles in a soil sample
- C. rate at which water air moves through the soil
- D. distribution of soil particles in a sample
2. Slate is derived from?
- A. Schist
- B. Sandstone
- C. Shale
- D. Genesis
3. Soil can be drained by the following except?
- A. sprinklers
- B. channels
- C. gutters
- D. porous pipes.
4. In which layer of the soil profile does not biological activity occur?
- A. parent material
- B. D-horizon
- C. C-horizon
- D. B-horizon
5. Which of the following does not occur as a result of poorly drained soil?
- A. mottling near the top.
- B. a decrease in rooting depth
- C. change in color of the subsoil
- D. a decrease in organic matter content
6. The common surveying equipment for farmland includes the following except?
- A. Ranging pole
- B. prismatic compass
- C. gunters chain
- D. spade
7. In the establishment of pastures, it is best to?
- A. plant only grasses.
- B. plant only legumes.
- C. plant a mixture of grasses and legumes.
- D. let the natural grasses grow.
8. The distance between two successive yam mounds should be about?
- A. 0.1m
- B. 1.00m
- C.10.00m
- D.100m
9. Which of the following is not the function of ruminal micro-organism?
- A. Digestion of cellulose
- B. conversion of plant proteins
- C. production of vitamin B
- D. Production of gas in the remen.
10. The part of the ruminant stomach from which digestive juices are secreted is called?
- A. rumen
- B. reticulum
- C. omasum
- D. paunch
11. The most important of all the factors of production in crop farming is?
A. labour
B. capital
C. land
D. management
12. Which of the following farm animals is considered as monogastric?
A. Goat.
B. Pig.
C. Cow.
D. Sheep.
13. The process of mating in poultry is referred to as?
A. servicing.
B. kidding.
C. tupping.
D. treading.
14. In farm animals, a sign of heat includes?
A. profuse salivation.
B. secretions from the vulva.
C. difficulty in breathing.
D. continuous urination.
15. The anti-sterility vitamin in livestock nutrition is?
A. vitamin K.
B. vitamin E.
C. vitamin C.
D. vitamin B.
16. The relative humidity in an incubator is usually set at?
A. 10% – 30%.
B. 40% – 60%
C. 70% – 80%
D. 90% – 100%.
17. A serious pest of sweet potato whose larvae destroy the foliage is?
A. leaf miners
B. weevils mea
C. mealy bugs
D. aphids.
18. The fertility of soils under forest is sustained mainly by any of the following:
A. nutrient recycling.
B. rodent activities.
C. being protected from direct rays of the sun.
D. preventing raindrops from directly hitting the soil.
19. The Mendelian law of segregation states that the characteristics which is hidden in an F1 reappears in F2 generation in a ratio?
A. 1: 2
B. 2: 2
C. 1 : 3
D. 3: 2
Question 19: The breed of sheep that can be found throughout Nigeria is called?
A. Yankasa.
B. Uda
C. West Africa dwarf sheep
D. Balami.
Question 20: A female cattle which has not had a calf or developed into the mature form of a cow is referred to as?
A. stag
B. vealers
C. yealing
D. heifer
Question 22: The major reason which necessitates the expansion of agriculture is the increase in?
A. rainfalls.
B. population.
C. manpower.
D. animal power.
Question 23: Which of the following groups of crops are mostly cultivated in the rainforest zone of Nigeria?
A. Millet, yam, and coconut.
B. Maize, cocoyam, and cassava.
C. Sorghum, sweet potato, and date.
D. Wheat, Irish potato and groundnut.
Question 24: In farm animals, gonads are organs associated with?
A. circulation
B. excretion
C. respiration
D. reproduction.
Question 25: Which of the following combinations of farm inputs enhances the healthy growth of crop?
A. Tractor and cash.
B. Irrigation and fertilizer.
C. Work bull and implement.
D. Cutlass and sacks
Question 26: When farmers engage in both plant and animal husbandry, he is practicing?
A. lay farming.
B. mixed framing.
C. mixed cropping.
D. crop rotation
Question 27: Elastic demand is the type in which a change in price….
A. brings about greater change in the quantity of goods demanded.
B. of a commodity leads to little or no change in demand.
C. leads to an equal change in commodity demanded.
D. may not change the demand of quantity of a commodity.
Question 28: Farm labor is usually measured in terms of?
A. the amount of wages paid to labor
B. hours or days of work by labor
C. level of education of labor
D. type of work done by labor.
Question 29: A piece of information contained in the payroll record of farms is?
A. date of employment.
B. equity income generated.
C. total credit.
D. Dividend.
Question 30: Retailers may create artificial scarcity of goods by?
A. price hiking.
B. hoarding.
C. under producing.
D. processing.
Question 31: The most effective method of disseminating information among farmers is through?
A. individual method.
B. group method.
C. mass method.
D. cooperative method
Question 32: The causative organism of Avian influenza is a?
A. bacterium.
B. virus.
C. fungus.
D. protozoan.
Question 33: The best method (s) of regulating fish capture is/are?
A. Gill-netting and electro-fishing.
B. quota and mesh-size control.
C. beach seine method.
D. active netting
Question 34: Exposing farmers to scientific knowledge is the responsibility of the
A. research institute.
B. farm settlers.
C. agro-service centers.
D. extension personnel
Question 35: The following are factors of agricultural production except?
A. farmstead.
B. land.
C. labor.
D. capital.
Answers to above JAMB Agric Questions.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A
Jamb Agricultural Science Questions And Answers for CBT.
Question 1. Theobroma cacao grows best in the:
Answer: humid rainforest zone.
Question 2. By-products of livestock used as feed ingredients in poultry ration include:
Answer: blood and bones.
Question 3. The following listed below are Farm surveying equipment:
Answer: Gunter’s chain, compass, and Abney level.
Question 4: Subsistence farmers mostly practice:
Answer: mixed farming.
Question 5: Nutrient replenishment in the soil can be enhanced by the following:
Answer: Crop rotation.
Question 6: Insect damage to crop takes the form of:
Answer: chewing, sucking, and piercing.
7. A farmer collects 800 eggs from a laying stock of 1200 birds per day. Determine the laying percentage of the stock
Answer: Laying percentage = (number of eggs x 100) ÷ number of layers = (800×100) ÷ 1200 = 67%
8. The branch of horticulture that deals with the production of vegetables are called:
Answer: Pomology
9. A bag of fertilizer has a ratio of 0 : 10: 0 written on it. This means that the fertilizer is a:
Answer: Phosphate fertilizer.
10. A piece of land is said to be on lease to a farmer when it is ________
Answer: rented for a period.
12. What is the function of Nitrosomonas bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?
Answer: Nitrogen fixation.
13. In crop production, ginger is propagated by:
Answer: rhizome
14. What feature do you think can lead to wrong reading on a prismatic compass?
Answer: magnetic attraction.
15. Continuous soil tillage could lead to:
Answer: Breakdown of soil structure
16. Crop rotation decreases the incidence of pests by any of the following:
Answer: breaking life cycles of pests.
17. The forest management system that involves both the planting of food crops and forest trees on the same piece of land at the same time is known/or called:
Answer: Taungya
18. The yellow coloration of the lower leaves of a growing maize plant may be due to deficiency of _______:
Answer: Nitrogen.
19. The major factor that usually affects the distribution of crops in West Africa countries is:
Answer: Climate.
20. The system in which a farmer uses a piece of land for a period of time and abandons it for another land is called:
Answer: Shift Cultivation.
21. A mass of decayed plants and animal wastes processed in pits is usually referred to as ______ in Agriculture?
Answer: Compost Manure.
22. The irrigation of Flood is used for the cultivation of ________ in Agriculture?
Answer: Swamp rice.
23. A sow that is not producing milk after farrowing should be given ____________?
Answer: oxytocin.
24. Corms, rhizomes, and tubers, these are all examples of?
Answer: underground stems.
25. The correct sequence for the use of coupled implements for land preparation is?
Answer: Plough, harrow and ridger.
26. Which layer of the soil profile do most biological activities occur in?
Answer: A-horizon.
Question 27: Under the communal land tenure system in Agriculture, farmers find it difficult to secure loans because of ________?
Answer: land holdings cannot be used as security.
Question 28: Piglet anaemia can be controlled through the use of?
Answer: iron drugs.
Question 29: The correct sequence of feed utilization in farm animals is?
Answer: ingestion-digestion-absorption-assimilation.
Question 30: Which group of rocks is formed after a volcanic eruption?
Answer: Basalt, granite, and Pumice.
Question 31: The Soil water that is available for root absorption at field capacity is?
Answer: Capillary water.
Question 32: The sεχual maturity in farm animals is not influenced by any of the following?
Answer: Weaning age.
Question 33: In birds, the loss of appetite, respiratory difficulties, and nervous paralysis, these are all symptoms of?
Answer: Newcastle diseases.
Question 34: The device that is used in helping to stabilize heat in an incubator is called?
Answer: Thermostat.
Question 35: In animal production, newly-born rabbits are called?
Answer: Bunnies.
Question 36: In the production of crops, ginger is propagated by?
Answer: rhizome.
Question 37: The main objective of establishing forest in the arid region is to?
Answer: check desert encroachment.
Question 38: Poaching is prohibited in game reserves to ensure the following:
Answer: conserve wildlife.
Question 39: A regulatory control of diseases in crop production is called?
Answer: Quarantine.
Question 40: Pineapple is widely propagated using any of the following:
Answer: Suckers.
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