UNIBEN VC Re-Opens School But Lecturers Never Showed Up

Latest educational news reaching us today, is that the ultimatum which was given by the federal government to the striking lecturers has been disobeyed by UNIBEN’s lecturers.
According to a correspondent who was present at the Ancient city, said that the Federal Government issued an ultimatum to striking lecturers to resume on or before the 4th of December 2013, now extended to the 9th Of December, which was countered by ASUU who are saying that except their demands are made NO lecturers will be seen in classroom.

Our correspondent also informed us that there was no form of activities, teaching going on as class-rooms, and worse still, the classrooms were empty, and registers were not being signed by any lecturer which shows their unwillingness to resume.

The Uniben’s lecturer are hell-bent that the federal government should sign the agreement before teaching again. more details coming your way soon.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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