The Nigerian Polytechnics seems to be getting lots of Attention, and it’s for the good reasons. Seems like More and more students now prefers Nigerian Polytechnics, to Universities in Nigeria. Can’t be certain if it’s due to their JAMB UTME scores or due to not reaching the JAMB cut off marks, More candidates are eager to continue their education in Polytechnics.
Important Information
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Using this Medium, I would love to reach out to all Candidates, who are searching for the list of Nigeria Polytechnics offering Agricultural science. All concerned UTME applicants, should note that this list, contains names of Polytechnics Offering Agricultural Engineering in Nigeria.
List Of Polytechnics Offering Agricultural Science
1. Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY)
2. Auchi polytechnic (AUCHIPOLY)
3. Delta state polytechnic (DELTAPOLY)
4. Federal polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti (EKITIPOLY)
5. Federal polytechnic, Bida (BIDAPOLY)
6. Federal polytechnic, Bauchi (BAUCHIPOLY)
7. Federal polytechnic, Mubi (MUBIPOLY)
8. Federal polytechnic, Nekede (NEKEDEPOLY)
9. Federal polytechnic, Oko (OKOPOLY)
10. Institute of Management Technology, Enugu (IMTE)
11. Kwara State polytechnic (KWARAPOLY)
12. Lagos State polytechnic (LASPOTECH)
13. Nuhu Bamalli polytechnic (NUBAPOLY)
14. Ramat polytechnic (RAMATPOLY)
15. Rufus Giwa polytechnic (RUGIPO)
16. The polytechnic, Ibadan (IBADANPOLY)
17. Imo State Polytechnic (IMOPOLY)
18. Akperan Orshi College Of Agriculture (AOCAYANDEV)
19. Audu Bako College Of Agriculture Danbatta (AUDUBAKO)
20. College Of Agriculture, Jalingo (COAJA)
21. College Of Agriculture, Zuru (COAZU)
22. Federal College Of Agriculture, Akure (FCAA)
23. Federal College Of Agriculture, Ishiagu (FCAI)
24. Federal College Of Agriculture, Moor Plantation (FCAMP)
25. Federal College Of Forestry, Mechanisation, Afaka (FCFMAF)
26. Federal College Of Land Resources Technology, Kuru (FCLRTKURU)
27.Federal College Of Land Resources Technology, Owerri (FCLRTO)
28. Hassan Usman Katsina Poly (HUKPOLY)
29. Mahammed Lawan College Of Agriculture, Maiduguri (MLCAMAI)
30. Nasarawa State Polytechnic (NASPOLY)
31. Oyo State College Of Agriculture (OYSCAI)
32. Plateau State College Of Agriculture, Garkawa (PLASCAG)
33. Plateau State Polytechnic (PLAPOLY)
34. Samaru College Of Agriculture (SAMCA)
35. Waziri Umaru Fed. Polytechnic Birnin Kebbi (WUFPBK)
This are the complete list of Polytechnics in Nigeria offering Agricultural Science. However, if you’re searching for the best List of Nigeria polytechnics in Agriculture, check the comment section, Because We’ll be updating you with more details. However, if you want to checkout the list of Nigeria Universities and their courses, here’s is it.
Who are Agricultural engineers
Agricultural engineering is all about Farm Business, studying the environment and climate for the best growth of Crops and Livestocks.
What do Agricultural Engineers Do
- They do Environmental study and Design
- They are in Farm Business
- Crop production and Harvest
- Biofuel Production and application
- Soil and Water Conservation
Who Do they Work With
- Animals,
- Other Engineers,
- Agricultural Communicators,
- Ranchers and farmers,
- Livestock market
Agricultural Engineers Needs to Know the Following
- Bachelor’s Degree,
- Business Management,
- Packaging and Production Engineering,
- Citrus, Horticulture, Biology,etc.
- Mechanics
Jobs For Agricultural Engineers (Agric. Eng Students)
- Agricultural and Animal Scientists,
- Food and Environmental Scientist,
- Civil and Chemical Engineers,
- Foresters and Horticulture Specialists,
- Mechanical Engineers and Landscape Architects.
If there’s anything you want to add, remove or discuss, do use the comment box. We’re all here to learn.
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