Searching for the best list of courses under mass communication in Nigeria? With the introduction of Social media in our life, and where podcasters are making millions, YouTubers and video presenters can literally make money from various sources online, there’s never been a good time in human history, to study Mass Communication.
- Best Courses under Mass Communication.
- International Journalism.
- Mass Media.
- Public Relations Specialist.
- Courses Under Mass Communication
- Senior Years Courses in Mass Communication
- More Courses in Mass Communication (4th year and above)
- The following are the list of Core Mass Communication Courses.
Best Courses under Mass Communication.
Are you interested in studying Mass communication? If yes, you’re probably choosing one of the most profitable and wide-market course, and you will never regret your choice in the least. Mass Communication is one of the most marketable courses in Nigeria today. Mass communication as a course has national and international recognition.
There are various job openings for graduates of Mass Communication. You can get employed in any of the media houses across Nigeria and foreign countries or you can go into private practice, depending on what you want.
This page’s main aim is to provide you with more in-depth information and show you various hot courses you can do as a mass communication student.
International Journalism.
This is one of the most marketable courses in Mass Communication. International Journalism takes you beyond the limits of Nigeria, and places you on the global front, reporting news through a platform that reaches millions of people around the world.
International Journalism enables you to seek employment both in Nigeria and abroad, and this is possible for students of Mass Communication.
Graduates in international journalism can seek employment in various media houses within and outside the shores of their country of origin. Outside the prospect of working outside the country, there are various Nigerian media houses seeking the expertise of graduates of International Journalism.
Aside from working for a media house, you can equally work as a freelance international journalist. This job has so many positive outcomes, including giving you worldwide recognition and reaches and enabling you to mingle with world-class journalists and great global figures.
Mass Media.
If you’re asking me what is the best course to study as a Mass Communication student, Mass Media will certainly make my top three (3).
This course enables you to work with mass media outlets, and it gives you the opportunity to explore various working atmospheres, and exposure, both on TV and on Radio.
The good thing is that there are various private radio and television stations opening up in Nigeria. The federal government has over the years, announced that they will be opening more branches of the Nigerian Television Authority across the nation. This helps to widen your scope a great deal and makes the market less competitive since there will be more job openings.
If you are unable to get employment with any of the public or private mass media outlets, you can always work as a freelancer, and freelancers are making money like never before in the history of mankind. All you have to do is float your own private program through any online platform, create a following, etc. With luck on your side, you can start raking in money more than you would have been paid as an employee.
Public Relations Specialist.
Studying Mass Communication broadens your horizon because you can also work as a Public relations specialist, representing celebrities, companies, etc. You can choose to specialize in Public Relations and work as a Public Relations Specialist for public figures, organisations, etc. You require the same admission requirements as every other student seeking admission into the Mass Communication department.
The job of a Public Relations Specialist involves maintaining and developing relationships for his/her client. You may get employed by non-profit organizations, advertising firms and even government agencies. You may be required to edit publications, write press releases or coordinate campaigns. Public relations specialist is an interesting job and can make you travel the world.
Courses Under Mass Communication
- Introduction to Mass Communication
- History of the Nigerian Mass Media
- Elements of Journalistic Style
- Communication in English
- The Use of Library & Study Skills
- Logic Philosophy & Human Existence
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Nigerian Legal System
- Introduction to Nigerian Literature
- Introduction to Fiction
- Elementary French
- Major World Civilizations
- History of Nigeria
- History of Africa
- African Communication Systems
- Writing for the Mass Media
- Typesetting
- Nigerian Peoples & Culture
- Introduction to Nigerian Literature
- Basic English Grammar and Composition
- Elementary French
- History of West Africa from 1500 A.D. to the Present
- Europe to the Age of Revolutions
- Basic Communication Theory.
Senior years, mostly from third year studying mass communication in Nigerian university, the student faces the following course:
Senior Years Courses in Mass Communication
- Theories of Mass Communication 2
- Reporting 2
- Graphics of Mass Communication 2
- Critical and Review Writing 2
- Announcing and Performance 2
- Principles of Public Relations 2
- Introduction to Film
- Natural Science I 2
- Peace and Conflict Resolution I
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Marketing Foundations for Advertising and Public Relations 2
- Introduction to Political Science I 2
- Nigerian Politics and Government I 2
- Introduction to Sociology I
- Media and Society 2
- Information and Communication Technologies 2
- News Writing 3
- Principles of Broadcasting 2
- Principles of Advertising 2
- Media Attachment
- Fundamentals of Media Relations 2
- Social Changes and Social Problems
- Development Journalism 2
- Feature and Interpretative Writing 3
- Magazine Article Writing 3
- Radio/TV Programme Writing and Production 2
- News Editing 2
- Fundamentals of Book Publishing 2
- Photojournalism
More Courses in Mass Communication (4th year and above)
- Mass Communication Law and Ethics 2.
- International Communication 2.
- Advanced Radio/TV Production 2.
- Advanced Newspaper Production 2.
- Advanced Magazine Production 2.
- Print Seminar 2.
- Advanced Public Relations 2.
- Station Management and Operations 2.
- International Broadcasting 2.
- International Public Relations 2.
- Organisation and Management of Advertising and Public Relations Agencies 2.
- Media Management 2.
- Broadcast Seminar 2.
- Advanced Advertising 2.
- Documentary Film Production 2.
- Film Criticism 2.
- Educational Broadcasting 2.
- Special Topics in Advertising & Public Relations 2.
- Multinational Advertising 2.
Be aware that most Nigerian universities have very similar schemes of work, hence, most offer them the same topics or different one.
The following are the list of Core Mass Communication Courses.
- Introduction to Mass Communication.
- History of Mass Media.
- African Communication System.
- Introduction to Statistics.
- Introduction to Psychology.
- Communication in French.
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies.
- African Communication System.
- Writing for the Mass Media.
- Word processing.
- Computer Application.
- Introduction to Computer.
- Introduction to Psychology.
- Introduction to Statistics.
- Fundamental Philosophy.
- Logic, Philosophy of Human Existence.
- Communication in English.
- Communication in German.
- Introduction to Publishing Sequence.
- Introduction to Film Cinema & Literature.
- Introduction to Advertising.
- News Writing & Reporting.
- Editorial Writing.
- Feature Writing.
- Constitutional Development.
- Introduction to Sociology.
- Fundamental Theology.
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies.
- History & Philosophy of Science.
- Editing & Graphics of Communication.
- Critical & Review Writing.
- Advanced and Specialized Reporting.
- Principals of Public Relations.
- Advertising Sequence.
- Theories of Mass Communication.
- Foundations of Communication Research.
- Word Processing.
- Mass Communication Foundations for Advertising.
- Fundamentals of Media Relations.
- Foundations of Broadcasting.
- Radio/Television Operation.
- International Communication.
- Communication and Society.
- Radio/TV News Writing.
- Newspaper Management and Production.
- Magazine Management and Production.
- Science and Technology Reporting.
- Photo Journalism & Management.
- International & Foreign Broadcasting.
- Film Theory and Aesthetics.
- Television Programme Writing & Production.
- Public Affairs Broadcasting.
- Broadcast Management and Programming.
- Foreign Correspondence.
- Rural Community Newspaper.
- Economics of Mass News Reporting.
- Screen Directing.
- Photo Editing.
- Issues in Nigeria Mass Communication & Media History.
- New Technique in Book Publishing.
- Advertising Creative Strategies and Tactics.
- Book Publishing & The Law.
- Advertising & PR Research.
- Mass Media and Law of Ethics.
- Station Management and Operations.
- Issues in Broadcasting.
- Organization and Management of advertising and PR Agencies.
- Documentary Film Production.
- Data Analysis in Communication Research.
- Economic and Social Issues in Advertising and PR.
- Media Attachment.
- Communication & National Development.
- Bindery & Finishing Operations.
- International Advertising.
- Educational Broadcasting.
- Rural Broadcasting.
- International Public Relations.
- Drama & Documentary Production.
- Original Essay/Project.
- Film Criticism.
- Issues in Broadcasting.
- Special Topics in Advert and Public Relations.
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