This is to inform members of the general public, that the
Cross River University of Technology 2013 Post-UTME Application Form
is now on sale.
According to information being released by CRUTECH Officials, all Jamb-UTME candidates who choose Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) as their 1st choice, are through this platform, inform and notify that the Post JAMB Screening Exercise for admission into CRUTECH 2013/2014 Academic Session has been scheduled.
Examination Date; Saturday, the 6th of July, 2013.
Examination Venue: Calabar Campus.
Some Important Information:
All applying candidates MUST BE Only Candidates who made CRUTECH, CALABAR as their First Choice are ELIGIBLE and qualify for the 2013 Post JAMB Screening Exercise.
The CRUTECH 2013 Post-UTME Registration is now fully processed online, so note that there is no special need for you to travel to the school to process your application form or anything.
Likewise, note that Cross River University of Technology 2013/2014 Post-UTME Online Registration has been scheduled to commence, starting from Monday, being the 24th of June, 2013 and will end on Friday, the 5th of July, 2013.
(Please, we’re advising all Jambites who choose Crutech to process their application form before the deadline date.)
Procedure For Registration!
All candidates applying for admission should please take note that registration will commence on monday, the 24th of June, 2013.
Below is a simply step by step guidelines for you to register.
Guideline 1.
You’re required and expected to purchase eTranzact Pin at N3,000.00 (Three thousand naira) only from any First Bank Branch in Nigeria.
(Please note that this excludes Online Registration/Bank Charges)
Guideline 2.
Also, after you have finished purchasing the Crutech PUME application PIN, goto a computer system, and connect it to the internet and Log on to crutech official website. and when the webpage loads up, click on the crutech postutme online application link.
Guideline 3.
When the online application webpage has open us, you’re expected to follow the instructions on the Online Application Portal to start your registration.
Guideline 4.
Then you’re expected to print out the Registration Confirmation Slip after a successful registration.
Yes, now that you’ve successfully registered at Crutech, below are requirements to bring along for the
Crutech post utme exam 2013
What To Bring When Coming to Write Crutech 2013 Post UTME examination
→ Your 2013 JAMB Result Slip.
→ The CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip which you printed out after you’ve successfully registered.
→ HB Pencil,
Important Notice:
1. This is only available for Candidates / Applicants who scored 180 and above in the 2013/2014 JAMB Examination are qualified and eligible to sit for the CRUTECH 2013/2014 Aptitude Test.
2. Likewise, be informed that YOUR CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip contains your Bio-data, Sit Number and Examination Venue.
Please we advice you to make sure that you bring this details along with you as this will grant you access into the Examination Hall.
3. And the most important of all is that only candidates who have participated for this Aptitude Test may be admitted into the Cross River University of Technology.
We’re wishing all candidates the very best in the forth coming Crutech 2013/2014 Post UTME Screening Examination.
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