2012/2013 Imo State University Post Utme Exercise, The Reviews?

Currently, the Imo State University are writing their post utme examination, which is based on departments.
The educational institution have been praised for conducting one of the most excellent and well organised post utme screening exercise this 2012/2013 academic Year.

Using this medium and together in one accord, we the NigeriaOpenUniversity Team wishes the educational institution management the best.
And we pray for more grease to their elbow.
This is truly nice, because candidates are seriously praising the institution for such a well organised examination.

However, we would love to address a serious issue, and it is questions we’ve received from several of our readers aspiring to school at Imsu.

Which subject is Imsu taking their questions from?
2012/2013 Medical course Imsu questions will be from which subjects?

Below are answers to your questions.

The faculty of engineering, out 40 questions in the question sheet, there was no english language question.
And there was ONLY ONE question from the following subjects:
Current Affair,
while the rest questions are calculating questions.
Time given is 45Minutes Only.

Here is the statictics of most written Subjects for several course.
English Language.
Current affairs.

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About the author

Glory Joseph

A graduate of Medicine From Imsu, Current Nurse, Medical book reader, Nigeria tertiary institution news anchor. I virtually know all Varsities in Nigeria!

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