JAMB Slip Reprint 2023: How to Reprint Your JAMB Exam Slip Correctly

JAMB reprint portal for the 2023 session has officially been open and active for all 2023 registered candidates. All candidates who have successfully registered for the JAMB forthcoming examination are scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 25th April 2023. Right now, the JAMB slip reprinting 2023 has commenced.

The JAMB slip reprint gives you full details on the date of your examination, time and Venue of your centre. Here’s what the JAMB Slip Contains.

  • Your JAMB Exam date.
  • Your JAMB Examination Centre.
  • Your JAMB Examination Time.
  • Personal details like your email address, phone number, Full Names, JAMB Registration Number, etc.
  • Important JAMB rules and regulations you must adhere to.

All candidates should take note that the exam slip which contains each candidate’s exam schedule (including time, Date, and venue) and is now available for printing on the JAMB portal.

The board is advising all candidates to PLEASE print their slips before the 24th of April, to help them know their examination schedules.

JAMB Slip Reprinting Date 2023.

UPDATE: The JAMB reprint date is scheduled to start on Saturday, 22nd April 2023.

reprint jamb slip

JAMB Slip Reprint Portal.

The JAMB slip reprinting portal for the 2023 UTME exams has been published online. The portal for the printing of the JAMB exam slip is two. Either directly through the JAMB portal or through your JAMB Profile.

The easiest way to reprint your Jamb exam slip is through their official portal.

How Print JAMB Exam Slip 2023.

Take note that the reprinting of the JAMB registration slip is very easy and can be done by anyone.  All that is required of you before you can successfully print your JAMB exam slip that reflects your examination schedule is your registration number, Email address, or Phone number which you must have used during your Registration.

To print out your Exam slip, do follow the guideline provided below.

Step 1: You are required to visit the UTME e-slip printing page at https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintExaminationSlip

Take note that you’re given three options for printing your JAMB Exam Slip, you are to use either your JAMB Reg. Number, Phone number or Email address you used during your registration.

Step 2: When the portal loads up, proceed and type in either your JAMB Registration Number, Email address, or Phone number in the blank box provided.

3. Lastly, you are to click on the “Print Examination Slip” button to check your slip.

Important Info:

You are to allow a popup for the JAMB site (www.jamb.gov.ng) from your browser before you can access and print out your slip containing your examination details.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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