Finally, the tension has been released, we the NigeriaOpenUniversity Team wishes to inform the general public and most especially, all candidates who wrote the 2012/2013 Post Utme examination that the Federal Polytechnic Nekede has released the results of her prospective candidates.
Step By Step Guides On How To Check Your 2012 Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme Examination.
Step 1.
Your 2012/2013 federal polytechnic nekede post utme results is currently available at the institution official website.
To have access to your result, click the link below.
CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE Of Federal Polytechnic nekede website to check your post utme result.
Step 2.
Here are the requirements to check your result.
a. When the above link has opened up, enter your SURNAME.
b. Then Select your programme.
Which can either be ND or HND.
c. Then you should click on the SEARCH button immediately below the form.
Step 3.
Then select Your name from the List of Names that will be displayed on your screen.
Step 4.
Enter your correct PIN Number and Click On Log In.
To help you not to look at every single line in search of your name, follow the guidelines below.
Guide 1.
On your computer or laptop keyboard, Click on the Ctrl and F key or The F3 Key, automatically, a box will be displayed at the bottom left side of your screen.
Guide 2.
Put the name your name, and automatically, your name will be displayed on the 2012/2013 Federal Polytechnic Nekede admission List.
We, the NigeriaOpenUniversity Team wish you SUCCESS and GOODLUCK as you check your result.
Don’t Forget To Share this Goodnews with your friends on facebook and twitter.
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How can i check the federal polytechnic nekede post utme result?
Well, we have just help you answer your questions.
Pls is dia which pin is required to check the postume result?is it de pin for registration or are we going to purchase a scratch card.