Well, it is yet another time for all candidates who choose one of Nigeria’s toughest and prestigious schools, The Nnamdi Azikiwe University as their preferred academic institution during their JAMB registration, that it’s time to sit for the Post UTME screening exercise.
The UNIZIK Post UTME Screening exercise for 2019/2020 has commenced.
Well, the tension is surely mounting n candidates, as we’ve discovered. Some candidates are really excited and anxious, while some are scared and panicky about the upcoming screening exercise.
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- Unizik PostUTME Screening 2019
I want to go straight to the point and hit the nail squarely on the head. It’s events such as this, that determines the next phase in one’s pursuit in life.
To some of you who will be sitting for the upcoming Unizik PostUTME screening exercise, it might be your first time of witnessing such experience while some are regulars, but determined to make it this time around, it’s not only determination that gets you through, but how prepared are you?
However, you should take note that either way, this is a matter of choice. The way you make your bed, that is exactly how you’re gonna lay on it. You must have read, read and read and read.
BUT the time is ripe for you to defend that which you have prepared for a long time.
As you wait for your examination, which will commence from the (Yet to be announced date), I’ll advise you to revise the Unizik Post UTME past questions from the beginning to the end if possible, because this will surely give you an insight as to how the examination questions will be.
This article is for those who really wish to succeed and pass the Unizik post utme screening exercise. Take note that the very first step to achieving success in this exam is to ensure ALL the requirements for the exams are with you! otherwise, you might be disorganized by the time the fiery looking, heavily built men of the Anti-cult of the university bounce you at the gate and totally rip out your confidence.
The second most important step to take is to make sure you pay CLOSE attention to EVERY minute instruction, starting from the entrance to the point you are asked to START the test.
Thirdly, Do NOT be hasty in answering the examination questions. Study the questions critically and meticulously before answering them, and also bear in mind that you are timed too.
Unlike other schools, the Unizik post utme invigilation has always been very strict and this means, your thought should NOT go a second, thinking on how to play smart with the invigilators.
Make sure to Keep away from ANYTHING that may implicate you, don’t be surprised that even that Gum you might be chewing is a suspect (lol, that’s how strange Unizik post UTME test is).
Ensure that you engage the time when writing; expect nobody to give you extra time. Do not be tempted to talk as this might implicate yourself.
Since the university authority says it’s going to be CBT, do well to arrive at the school in time so you wouldn’t miss out when the invigilators will be arranging candidates for the PostUTME screening.
Just like the popular adage says, aim for the Moon and when you miss, you’ll surely land on the stars, aim as high as 99% in your exam, this way, your admission is assured and you won’t fall below the Unizik PostUTME cut off marks.
Warning to all Unizik Aspirants
Be wary of admission givers who spam facebook groups and website comments, please, be wise and act wisely. Don’t fall prey with your money or body because the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Authority is well prepared to conduct a free, fair and credible exam and as such, there is no room for loopholes.
The Dailyschoolnews Nigeria is wishing all candidates the VERY best and we’re wishing all candidates Good luck and a resounding success in their examination Examination.
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