The University of Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria has officially announced that they have released the 2015/2016 Unilorin Remedial Admission Supplementary List of successful candidates who have been offered provisional admission in Remedial programmes, being offered by the educational institution.
The just released Unilorin 2015/16 Remedial Admission Supplementary List has also been fully upload on the UNILORIN official e-portal.
This is to inform candidate who have applied for the 2015/2016 remedial admission can check their admission status using the link below.
Click Here to Check Your Unilorin Admission Status.
Important Information:Unilorin Admission List for 2015/2016 is Out
Please note that if you’re offered provisional admission, then complete the steps outlined below, starting from 1 to 8:
1} Complete the acceptance form with a Non refundable Acceptance Fee of Ten Thousand Naira (#10,000), which also constitutes part of the school fees.
a} Complete the Online Registration Form
b} Print Out a Copy of the Completed Form.
2} Proceed to the University Of Ilorin, UNILORIN School of Preliminary Studies Programme Centre, FUFU,situated near Idofian for clearance, the date will soon be published here.
(This exercise normally starts from 8am till 2pm daily).
1. Do bring along the originals and photocopies of Remedial Form, CERTIFICATES/STATEMENT OF RESULTS as filled on-line for the admission process.
Obtain a scratch card of the O-level examination body (or bodies) of the result(s)/certificate(s), for e.g.
CAMBRIDGE etc, used for the admission process.
You are to activate your scratch card by using it at least, once, but not more than twice to check the result for which the scratch card details are being indicated.
2} You’re also expected to bring the result(s) and the attached scratch card(s) to the School of Preliminary Studies (SPS), Fufu for verification.
3} You can also obtain the clearance certificate from the school of preliminary studies after the verification exercise.
4} All candidates who were offered admission are to make sure of a minimum balance of Seventy Six Thousand Naira (#76,000) on their ATM card (MASTER CARD OR VERVE CARD ) for the payment purposes.
Tuition Fee: N80,000,
School charges: N3,200.
Health: N1,000.
Bank charges: N250.00.
Important Note – Please note that the above fees might have changed for the 2015/16 session, stay glued while we wait for the institution executives to give us the full Tuition fees and everything monetary required from candidates.
Please do note that the Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000) acceptance fee earlier paid is part of the Eighty Thousand Naira tuition fee.
4. You’re also required to visit the Unilorin official website and login, to visit the Unilorin e-portal, click below.
and click on the 2015/2016 Remedial Registration to complete the step 3 above.
a} You to print out 4 copies of the completed Registration form and submit 3 copies at (SPS) CENTRE, FUFU with photocopies of your 2015/2016.
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