Auchi Polytechnic, AuchiPoly Admission List for 2019/2020 Released (ND Full-Time)

The Auchi Poly admission list for ND full-time candidates has been released and published online. Using this medium, the management board of Auchi Polytechnic (AUCHI POLY) has officially announced the released of the list of candidates who have been offered admission into its National Diploma (ND) full-time programs for the 2019/2020 academic session.

The Dailyschoolnews™ Team wishes to notify the public, especially all candidates that applied for admission into the Auchi Polytechnic (AuchiPoly) National Diploma (ND) programs during the 2019/2020 academic session, that they can now check their admission status on the school official portal.

Candidates who selected the institution during their JAMB Registration should note that the Auchi Poly ND full-time admission list is now available online.

auchipoly admission list

Procedures to Check AUCHI POLY Admission List.

1. The first step is for you to visit the Auchi Poly admission status checking portal at
2. When the portal loads up, proceed and select your programme of study i.e. ND.
3. Next, you are to select your department.
4. Then select your course of study.
5. Lastly, click on the ‘‘Check Admission List’’ button to quickly check whether your name appeared on the list of candidates offered admission into AuchiPoly for the 2019/2020 academic session.

Auchi Poly Admission Status Information:

a. All candidates whose name appeared on the list, are requested to go to their department for clearance. Going to your department for clearance ensures if you are qualified or not. If cleared that you are qualified, you are required to immediately accept the offer of admission online and follow the procedure for payment of administrative charges.

b. Secondly, you are also required to register your courses online, then make sure you print copies of the registration form and submit two(2) copies to your school officer. Take note that the admission to you will be canceled if you are not registered within two(2) weeks.

c. Likewise, all candidates offered admission into Auchi Polytechnic are also required to pay the Acceptance fees and pay Administrative charges on or before the 25th of September, 2019.

d. Both new and returning students of AuchiPoly are required to login into the students Control Panel, Print out and correctly fill the Tertiary Institution Social Health Insurance Programme (Print Form) and submit the same Form to the Auchi Poly Cottage Hospital. This is very important.

e. All candidates who were offered admission are required to login to their Jamb profile, navigate to the JAMB CAPS website, and choose to either “ACCEPT” or “REJECT” the admission offer. Please note that accepting or rejecting of the admission offer is very important and necessary.

Confirm AuchiPoly Admission on JAMB Portal.

  1. Visit the
  2. When the page loads up, proceed and login to your Jamb profile with your correct username and password.
  3. Navigate and locate the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab, click on it.
  4. Now, all you need to do is to select your Exam year and Enter your JAMB registration number in the required columns.
  5. Lastly, simply click on “Check Admission Status” to check and confirm your Auchi Polytechnic Admission status.

Congratulations to all candidates whose names appeared on the 2019/2020 Auchi poly admission list. Do share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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