UNIBEN Set To Commence Online Clearance Exercise For UTME & Direct Entry Candidates for 2013/2014 Session

According to information reaching us today, The UTME and Direct Entry Candidates who were admitted into the University of Benin for the 2013/2014 academic session are required to login to the school official website at http://www.uniben.edu, and are required to click on “Waeup” Portal and should login with their PUTME/PUDE username and password used for their application and result checking.

When you have done this, you will also be required to click on “Download application slip”.
When you have successfully done this, please do print it and take note of your ID and Password. After doing this, you will henceforth, use your ID and Password for subsequent login. You can also login and print out your provisional admission letter.

Important Notice:
Using this medium, Only candidates with the right passport size (1-inch x 1-inch) photograph used for putme & pude already embedded in their documents with requisite results to clear should proceed to pay the total amount of non-refundable acceptance fee itemized below.

College of Medical Sciences Candidates
Other Candidates

Bank/Portal charges – 3000.00 3000.00

Admission clearance – College of Medical students- 20000.00
other students 20000.00

ICT Levy – college of medical science candidates- 6000.00

Other students 6000.00

Development Levy – College of medical science candidates- 15000.00 Other candidates 15000.00

MTN NET Library – College of Medical Students- 1000.00
Other Students 1000.00

College Development fee – College of Medical candidates- 20000.00

Other candidates-20000.00

TOTAL : Colleges of medical candidates- 65000.00

Other candidates- 45000.00

ü  Schools/Departments under College of Medical Sciences:

ü  Dentistry

ü  Anatomy

ü  Medical Biochemistry

ü  Medical Laboratory Science

ü  Nursing Science

ü  Physiology

Optional: This is also optional, you can choose to change your password by clicking on the “change password” button, in this place, you can also choose to change your e-mail and phone number by using “Edit” button.

On the Menu, at the top right or left side of the website, click on
My data”, then select
“Payment” option, after that, click on:
Add online payment ticket” button.

From there, you are to select from the Payment Category, Acceptance Fee and click on “Create Ticket” button and then click the link under Payment ID.

7. Click on the “College Pay” button to view payment details and click the “Submit” button to proceed with the payment through Interswitch payment gateway.

8. Select your ATM Card type: Verve or Master Card and supply the card details (card number, expiration date, 4-digit PIN etc) as required.

9. Then click on “PAY” button.

10. If payment is successful, an acceptance slip will appear on the screen. Copy the “Clearance Activation Code” on the acceptance payment slip.

11. Click on “My Data” on the menu and select “Clearance data” option. Enter your “Clearance Activation Code” to open your Clearance/Eligibility form.

12. Fill the Clearance/Eligibility Form appropriately. Scan and upload the following documents:

a. Certificates/ Statements of result
b. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
c. Acceptance Letter
d. Guarantor’s Letter
e. Affidavit of Good Conduct
f. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults

g. JAMB & UNIBEN offer of Provisional Admission slips
(Please note that affidavits sworn in any Court of Law in Nigeria are acceptable)
Payment of acceptance fee commences Monday 3rd March, 2014

13. At the bottom of the Clearance/Eligibility Form, click on the “Save” button to return later and complete the form OR click on “Save and request clearance” button to finally submit your Clearance/Eligibility Form when you are done. You cannot edit the Clearance /Eligibility Form after final submission.

14. Click on “Download clearance slip” button and print your Clearance/Eligibility slip. Present it with online payment receipt, six (6) copies each of the listed items a to g in item 12, including six coloured passport photographs with red background and WAEC/NECO Scratch Card for checking results online to the clearance officers. The original credentials are for sighting during the physical clearance.

15. Physical clearance commences Monday 24th March to Friday 25th April, 2014 at the University Auditorium Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5pm each day.

16. Limited accommodations are available for Fresh candidates.

17. Prohibition of Financial Transactions at Clearance Venue: There shall be no financial transactions in whatever form at the Main Auditorium Clearance Venue. Consequently, sales of Faculty Prospectus, Collection of dues, levies and other forms of Payment and Purchases are strictly prohibited. The release of completed and signed Clearance/eligibility form to student should not be tied to any other payment other than the fund paid for clearance.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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