It’s no longer news, that most people would start selling the jamb 2017/2018 registration form and scratch card now that the registration has commenced! Even though the jamb board has made it clear that whosoever sells the scratch card or registration form is reliable to be arrested, but most people would still be selling them illegally.
So today, i would love to get you informed on how you can get to know the JAMB 2017/2018 Accredited Cyber Cafes and Centres in your local government or the one nearest to you.
Also Read: 2017 JAMB Template Registration Form – Download and Print Here For Free
Please note that this forms can also be purchased at banks too, read more about that by clicking Here.
We strongly advise you to buy it only from the Shortlisted banks or any accredited cyber cafe. You can view list of accredited cyber cafes in your state/Location by using the guidelines below.
List of all Accredited JAMB Registration Centers
You can now check and get the jamb approved cbt centres and the jamb accredited registration centres here on Dailyschoolnews Nigeria. CLICK Here to check the list.
How To Know JAMB 2017/18 Accredited Cyber Cafes and Centres
1. You are to visit the 2017 official jamb Accredited Cyber Cafes and Centres by clicking here
2. When it opens up, please do select your State and in the box where it reads “Filter to Area” just enter your Local Government area and click on “Search”
3. The accredited and registered cyber cafes and business centres in your local government will be displayed to you.
If you did faced/encounter any troubles, don’t hesitate to share them with us using the comment form below, and please, do make sure that you share this information with your friends on facebook and twitter, using the share buttons below.
There is no accreditted cafe in ogbomoso south local government in oyo state.thanks
Please where are the jamb centres in oyo north
please can jamb non accredited business centers do jamb registration. because i did not see the name of the center that registered me in the list of the jamb accredited registered centers in onitsha.