Federal Polytechnic Nekede 2013/2014 3rd Batch Admission List is Out

The Authorities of the Federal polytechnic Nekede, has just published the 3rd batch of admission List, which contains the names of all successful applicants in all offered programmes for the 2013/2014 academic session.

According to latest news on our publishing news desk, all candidates who applied for admission at the polytechnic can check their status now using the guidelines share below:

Step by Step Guidelines on How to Check the FEDPOLY NEKEDE 3rd Admission List for 2014
Step 1. To successfully check your admission status, you are required to visit the university’s admission checking portal by Clicking here

Step 2. When the above link opens up, you are required to select your programme from the List of programmes, I.e, ND, HND, etc,

Step 3. After that, in the box provided, you are to enter your PUTME Examination Number and then Enter PIN Code in the second space.

Step 4. Click “Login”

Important Notice:
All candidates should please note that Admission Status Checking scratch will be used for clearance-Keep Safe.
All National Diploma (ND) Morning Checks with their JAMB Registration Number.
All National Diploma (ND) Evening and Weekend Checks with their Application Number.
All Higher National Diploma (HND) Morning checks their Admission Status with their Exam No.
All Higher National Diploma (HND) Evening and Weekend Checks their Admission Status with their Application No

A big and Hearty congratulation to all admitted students.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News


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