2015 BSU Post UTME Result Is out

THE Benue State University (bsu) post utme result for 2015 has been released and published by the school administration.

According to the information which was published on the school website, the BSU 2015 post utme result is out.

Using this platform, we would love to notify all candidates who participant in the 2015 post UTME screening exercise of the Benue Sate University that the result of the Post UTME Screening Exercise has been released by the school.

Procedures on How To Check Benue State University (bsu) Post UTME 2015

We would love to inform all candidates who sat for the screening exercise, that they are requested to log onto Benue State University post UTME Result checking portal: https://www.bsuportal.edu.ng/putmeapp1.jsp

2; When the website loads up, proceed and enter your UTME Registration Number.

3; Then proceed and click on the button that reads: “Submit”

4; On the page that opens up, continue by clicking on “Check Aptitude test Score” to at the right side of the page to access your result.

Important Note:

Please take note that the minimum aptitude test score required for admission int the Benue State University (bsu) is 50 for MBBS and LAW and 40 for other courses.

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About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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