Acknowledgments in a Research Paper (With Examples)

Every time you publish some work or receive public recognition of your merits, it is a great reason to thank those who supported you and helped you on your difficult path. But what are acknowledgements in a research paper? How to write acknowledgements in a research paper? Where to put acknowledgements in a research paper? In what tone to write? How formal should your thank-you notes be? Who should be thanked? Plenty of questions, but the answer is clear.

Whether it’s an acknowledgement in a research paper or a public speech, this article will help you get your thanks right.

How to Write Acknowledgments in Scientific Works.

If you want to thank someone for scientific work, you should follow specific rules. Acknowledgments have a clear structure. It should organically fit into your work, so here are some main rules.

Use an appropriate tone and style.

The acknowledgments page is a standard part at the end of any term paper, thesis, or dissertation. Sometimes, it is pretty challenging to include the text of such personally significant content in a scientific paper. Not everyone wants to spend time writing thank you notes. Nowadays, this is not a problem because you can buy research papers online and be sure that the acknowledgments will be prepared correctly. This way, you will be able to learn how to do it because you will have an excellent example.

It would be pretty awesome if, at the end of your cancer research paper, you wrote something like, “Thanks to that guy for the waffles he brought me to the lab the other day!” Keep your acknowledgments page professional and short. But addressed to specific people who helped you along the way.

The acknowledgments page can look like a list or as text. It would be wonderful to say, “I would like to thank Professor Henderson, Dr Matthews, and so on,” until you have listed everyone you would like to mention.

Start with Your Most Influential Teachers.

Generally, the most important person to thank is your supervisor or the leading professor who supervises your project, followed by other committee members of the curators and other scientists directly related to your work. It would be nice to group everyone you would like to thank. Even thanks to the members of one such group can be expressed in one sentence.

Make a list of all other helpers.

It can include laboratory assistants and everyone who helped you in the process of your scientific work or contributed to the project itself in any way. It would help if you understood that these people gave you the motivation to work. And it is motivation that is an integral part of hard work.

You can remember the person who sat with you when you were working. Or you can thank the person who found a useful source you needed in your work. It is entirely appropriate to mention your fellow students who, in your opinion, contributed to your work.

Don’t Forget to Mention Financial aid.

Suppose your project has received financial support from any foundation or research group through a grant, or scholarship. In that case, you must mention this foundation or organization on the acknowledgments page, listing personally everyone you have contacted. If some society or organization financed your university scholarship, they must also be mentioned.

Place more personal thanks to the people who have supported you near the end

Many people here thank their parents, friends, loved ones, and acquaintances who supported them morally while working on the project. Here, most likely, it is not worth thanking the basketball team members from elementary school unless they had a significant impact on your life and research work. On the thanks page, it is best not to put very personal stories and jokes that are understandable only to you and a narrow circle of initiates.

How to Write an Acknowledgement Speech.

If you want to avoid writing thanks, you can always say them in the form of a speech. But it is worth understanding that the address also has rules. So, for your thanks to sound right, follow a few rules.

The speech should not exceed 1-2 minutes.

If you’re going to say it on stage because you’re being presented with an award or for some other reason to attract the attention of everyone in the room, you need to be sure that you don’t forget anyone in your thank-you speech. But it would help if you also remembered that people sitting in front of you hardly want to listen to an alphabetical list of unfamiliar names. Remember that brevity is the sister of talent.

Let sincerity trump your sense of humor.

The prospect of revitalising your speech with jokes or teasing the audience from the stage can seem very attractive. If you are a naturally talented comedian, this is quite possible, but if not, it will be safer if your speech from the stage sounds sincere and, if possible, concise. Your simple and sincere thanks will say much more natural and pleasant than ironic jokes.

Don’t forget to check

Do not be lazy to check your list, checking the spelling and pronunciation of names. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to have a good command of the language. Nowadays, many sites will help improve the level of English. Try to read this article, and then you will be sure you correctly write and pronounce all names and titles. After all, it will be hideous if you mistake the name of the person you thank for your success or incorrectly say the name of the fund that gave you financial support.


The thank-you page is as essential part of your job, as any other, so give it plenty of time. Try looking at the samples. Familiarizing yourself with anyone’s thank you page is especially helpful if you’re writing a specific thank-you note, such as thank you notes for help with a research paper.

Example 1.

I want to thank Professor Henderson for her expert advice and encouragement throughout this challenging project, and Dr Matthews for his expertise in the laboratory.

Example 2.

I thank Dr Stevens, Dr Smith, and Professor Clemons for their tremendous support throughout this process.

Example 3.

I want to thank my colleagues for their excellent cooperation. You were very supportive and always ready to help me.

Example 4.

This project would not be possible without the support of the Catherine G. Catherine Foundation, the Reese’s Peanut Butter Scholarship, and the Guggenheim Group.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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