Kwara State University (kwasu)

Kwara State University (kwasu) Senate Releases New Code of Conduct & Dressing

THE Kwara State University (kwasu) senate board, has just released a new set of rules and regulation, which is also known as Code of Conduct and Dressing.

Some students also disclosed that this new code of conduct is ridiculous and truly unacceptable, we really don’t know if the school is just following the University of Ilorin (Unilorin) management board, who also released almost the same code of dressing for her students.

Some students took to social Media like Twitter and Facebook to express their anger, saying that the school is trying to turn them back to secondary school students.

Here’s the Code of Dressing

What do you think about this?

Are you truly satisfied with this code of dressing or you’re totally against it?

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Dailyschoolnews Staff

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