THE Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) ICT Training Timetable for all newly admitted students of the 2014/2015 academic session has been released by the school management board.
Information on our news desk indicate that the Obafemi Awolowo University management board has specifically designed this training to educate all newly admitted students on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as they will continue to apply the skills acquired from the training throughout their stay in the academic institution.
All students should note that this particular ICT training for newly admitted undergraduate students aims to impart basic ICT skill into the students right from the onset of their educational career in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU).
While the new ICT initiatives are being introduced to the University. These ICT initiatives include the following:
Student e-mail services,
Smart classrooms,
Multimedia driven lecture delivery,
intra-university voice communication ‘Keedu’,
Increasing online engagement,
Course registration,
TCC project,
inter-university online collaboration (OAU and Unilag) and techno-preneurship.
These are in addition to various existing services, such as the online meetings and interviews via telepresence and videoconference, advanced search, e-library, internet access etc.
Important Note:
Please take note that the first batch of the training is already in motion, because it is scheduled to commence this session. All fresh undergraduate students are advised to download the timetable for the training by clicking here