Obafemi Awolowo University (oau)

2013 Cut Off Marks; OAU Pre-Degree Cut-Off Marks For 2013/2014 Admission Session

Educational news on our news desk today, is that the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) cut-off marks for pre-degree students who took part in the 2012/2012 Pre Degree Programme has been released online and candidates can now check the cut off marks for 2013/2014 academic session.

Candidates should note that the cut-off marks will be used for admission of 2013/2013 OAU Pre-degree students into their chosen degree programmes at 100Level for the 2013/2014 academic session.

Here is the list of the Obafemi Awolowo University Pre-degree Cut-off Marks for 2013
Faculty of Administration
Accounting 65.8
International Relations 60
Local government studies 60
Public Administration 60
Faculty of Agriculture
All departments 60

Faculty of Arts
Dramatic Arts 63.8
English 64
Others 60

Faculty of Education
All departments 60

Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Architecture 61
Building 60
Estate Management 60
Fine Arts 60
Quantity Surveying 60
Urban and Regional Planning 60

Faculty of Health Sciences
1st Choice 77.8
2nd Choice 77.8
Medical Rehabilitation
1st Choice 70.8
2nd Choice 74.7
1st Choice 80.9
2nd Choice NIL
Nursing Science
1st Choice 71.2
2nd Choice 74.3

Faculty of Law
Law 69.7

Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmacy 72.9

Faculty of Sciences
Microbiology 63.7
Others 60

Faculty of Social Sciences
Demography 60
Economics 70
Political Science 60
Politics, Philosophy & Economics 60
Psychology 60
Sociology & Anthropology 60

Faculty of Technology
Agric Engineering 60
Chemical Engineering 64
Civil Engineering 61
Computer Science with Economics 72
Computer Science with Mathematics 62
Computer Engineering 61
Electrical & Electronic Engineering 62
Food Engineering 60
Food Science & Technology 60
Mechanical Engineering 62
Material Science & Technology 60

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Thanks and warm regards.

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Dailyschoolnews Staff

A graduate of Medicine From Imsu, Book reader, Nigeria tertiary institution news anchor. I virtually know all Varsities in Nigeria!

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