MUST READ For ALL JAMB UTME 2015 Candidates

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THE Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (Jamb) 2015 examination is fast approaching and some candidates are agitated and super anxious about the CBT Examination, most especially, those writing the examination for the very fist time, and not just those writing the exams for the first time, but those candidates sitting for a computer Base Test (CBT) examination the very first time!

Here’s a guide from someone who have a first hand experience and the tips you’ll need to pass the examination.

jamb 2014

How To Write and Pass JAMB CBT 2015 UTME Examination

Note that you’re not required to be a guru in computer before you can answer any CBT question.
The computer you will use will be ON, so you’re not required to switch it ON and the JAMB software will be open in all the computer for the examination, so you don’t need to start searching the computer archives for the software.

Just take note that the only thing you will type on the computer is the following:

Your JAMB Registration Number.

While others are more of clicking.

THE left mouse button of the mouse is what you will use mostly for the exam, because it’s like the MARK button.

Make sure your mouse is working before you input your JAMB Reg no. Just move it and know whether the
mouse pointer is moving. because if it’s not moving, you won’t answer a single question.

The login page include the following:

A white and green page where you will input your JAMB registration number and click at submit.

ALL the computers are timed at the following:

THREE (3) hours,
Forty five (45) minutes,
Thirteen (13) seconds.

The first page you will see is where the instruction is.

Just proceed and read the instructions carefully, then click at the “Start”, automatically, the timer will commence.

The subjects which you choose while registering for the JAMB examination will appear. You can click in any of the subjects you want to start with.

Please note that there are 3 buttons which are the following:


There’s also an option where you can easily skip a question and come back to it.

A red indication will be blinking on the number you have not answered, which is a sort of notification.

The comprehension will appear fully on each question of the comprehension, so there is no need writing down or cramming the comprehension.

After you must have answered all questions, or when you see the timer at 10 secs, if you have not finish kindly click on logout and click at SUBMIT. This is important.

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What You Must Know

1. There is no law that says you must answer the number 1 question before the Number 2 or that you must answer Chemistry before physics, it’s your choice on which subject you choose to start with.

Please ensure that you answer the simple ones you are sure of first before others.

Likewise, do not forget to say your prayers BEFORE you input your JAMB Reg No to start to avoid stories that touch from the Timer.

Dailyschoolnews Nigeria wishes you the very BEST and success in the forthcoming JAMB CBT 2015 examination.

If you have any questions regarding the examination, do use the comment box below and a member of our staff will answer your questions.

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