Here’s a free JAMB 2016 CBT Result Checker for all candidates who sat for the C.B.T examination! With this result checker, take note that you don’t need any Scratch Card.
Please ensure that you follow @dailyschoolnews Nigeria, if you are searching for JAMB 2016 CBT result checker.
Today, we have also confirmed that the results of all candidates who sat for the examination have been released and they are out online.
Please, do ensure that you follow the steps which are outlined below to help you check your result free of charge, without any of the following documents below.
Scratch card,
Serial Number,
Take note, that even though you wrote the UTME examination yesterday or today, this is how to check your UTME result online and it is totally free.
Free JAMB 2016 CBT Result Checker
1: You are required to visit the JAMB result checker website here:
2: When you visit the above website, proceed and click on “check your results”.
3: You’ll noticed a blank box, please, do enter your registration number in the blank space.
4: Also make sure, that you submit and print out your result notification. (If you don’t know how to print out your jamb result, use this guideline below.)
How To Print OUT JAMB 2016 RESULT
IMPORTANT NOTE About jamb cbt result checker:
Take note that this is not the main result slip yet, it’s just a notification. You should also take not, that slip printing will start later and we are going to inform you when it will commence.
Share your results below after checking.