Federal Polytechnic Nekede HND Screening Result For 2017 is Out

The Federal polytechnic Nekede, Nekedepoly HND screening result has been released and published online. USING this platform, the Dailyschoolnews Nigeria educational team wishes to inform the general public, especially all candidates who participated and sat in the HND screening exercise of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, that the school administration has officially released the full and complete result of the screening.

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How to Check NekedePOLY HND Screening Result for 2017

1. All participants are expected to check their result through the school portal, so you must be connected to the internet before you can check your result/performance.

2. All candidates can check their result now through the school result checking Portal by Clicking Here

3. When the result checking page loads up, proceed and type in your Payee ID and your confirmation code in the spaces provided.

4. Lastly, proceed and click on the button that reads: “Continue” to access your result.

Wishing all candidates the very BEST and don’t forget to share this information with your friends on facebook, twitter and google+, using the share buttons below.

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