Using this platform, the DailyschoolNews team wishes to announce to the Nigerian general public that, the Bayero University Kano, (BUK) has finally released the much awaited 2012/2013 postgraduate Admission List.
This admission list contain the names of candidates who have been successfully offered provisional admission into the Postgraduate Programme in the above mentioned academic institution.
The Dailyschoolnews team was also informed that the released list encompass about 74 pages of names.
Please note that the released BUK postgraduate Admission list for 2012/2013 is uploaded in a PDF format.
So all candidates who wants to check their BUK Admission status is required, to use a computer/mobile devices that can read PDF file to view the list.
The above linked is the link which you can use to download the Buk postgraduate admission list for 2013.
We wish all students who participated in the BUK screening exercise, and who are to check their admission status, SUCCESS!.
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I score 162 in jamb while seeking an admission at there any possibility.i apply for computer science.
I want 2 know weather i obtain admssn o nt.
How true it is that BUK has extended the sell of its Postgraduate forms?
And if yes how much does it cost and when are they closing it? And is the sell of the form for all courses or it include Masters in Library science?