FUAM Post UTME Result for 2014/2015 is out, and you can now check the Federal University of Agriculture 2014 – 2015 POST UTME result using the step by step guidelines below.
Using this medium, we would love to inform all candidates who sat for the FUAM post utme screening exercise, that the leadership board of the management of Federal University of Agriculture has released the result of post-UTME screening exercise for 2014/2015 session.
How to Check FUAM Post UTME Result 2014
For you to check the FUAM post utme result, you are required to visit the school result checking website by clicking here.
Important Note:
Please note that when you get to the bottom of the post utme list without finding your name, don’t despair, you can then proceed and click on the next page (Page 2, Page 3 and Page 4).
We’re wishing you the very BEST.