THE Cross River University Of Technology (CRUTECH) leadership has announced that the school post utme form for the 2014/2015 academic session is out and released to the general public.
All applying candidates should note that they are ONLY qualified if they scored 180 and above and have made the Cross River University Of Technology (CRUTECH) as their first choice in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
For the candidates who pass the above requirements, you are qualified for the 2014/2015 Post-UTME, and we would love you to note that the application form is now on sale.
Candidates should note that the Post UTME Screening Exercise for admission into the 2014/2015 Academic Session, has been scheduled to hold place on Saturday, the 2nd of August 2014 at Calabar Campus.
It’s of utmost importance that candidates note that the Registration is online.
Registration Commencement Date:
The leadership has announced that the online Registration will commences on Monday, the 14th of July, 2014, and will ends# on Friday, the 1st of August, 2014.
Step By Step Guidelines For Registration
For you to successfully register for the crutech post utme 2014, all applicants should do the following:
→ You should go to any First Bank Branch in Nigeria and purchase eTranzact Pin at N3, 000.00 (This amount excludes online Registration/Bank Charges)
→ You should visit the school official website and click on the “crutech post-utme online” application link.
→ Then follow the instructions provided on the Online Application Portal.
→ Ensure that you print out the Registration Confirmation Slip after you have successfully registered for the post utme exercise.
Documents and Items You Should Bring To The Examination Hall:
→ You should come along with the 2014 UTME Result Slip
→ Bring the CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip
→ Don’t forget to come along with your HB Pencil, Sharpener and Eraser.
Important Note:
→ Once again, we would love to remind you that only candidates who scored 180 and above in the 2014/2015UTME Examination are eligible for the Aptitude Test.
→ Please note that the CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip contains the following:
Your Bio-data,
Seat Number,
Examination Venue,
Examination Time.
The items above will grant you access, and this will help admits you into the Examination Hall.
→ It’s important that you are aware, that only candidates who take the 2014 crutech Aptitude Test may be admitted into Cross River University of Technology for the 2014/2015 academic session.