January 17, 2014

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Delta State University Pre-degree To 100 Level 2ND Supplementary Admission list 2013/2014 Released

ALL pre-degree students of the Delta State University (DELSU) should note that the academic institution has finally release her pre-degree to 100 level 2nd supplementary admission list online for checking.

Through this report, we hope that all candidates who wrote the DELSU pre-degree examination can now check their admission status online through the school official website.

How to Check DELSU Pre-degree To 100 Level 2ND Supplementary Admission list 2013/2014
Step 1. You can check your admission status by clicking here.

Step 2. When the school website loads up, you will be required to enter your PRE-DEGREE application number in the box provide.

Step 3. When you have done that, just click on “CHECK” to know your admission status.

We’re wishing you the best, and if you have a second, just share this information with your friends on facebook using the share buttons below.

Thank You.

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