Following the ceasless outcry of students who participated in the jamb 2013 examination, there have been serious force on jamb board to remark some students results, and personally, we have received several mails from our readers asking for the method on how to contact jamb to remark their jamb script.
For sure, it is no longer news that large number of candidates fail woefully in the just concluded jamb 2013 cbt examination.
Just as most candidates are claiming that JAMB intentionally fail them to remedy the sale of about 1.7 million JAMB forms for 500,000 available spaces for admission.
Now, the next question is?
What about candidates who claimed they independently did the exam themselves, but the results still didn’t meet their desired score?
Some mails we received from our bereaved readers says that the jamb score is not their real score.
Well, the good news is you can now challenge, contest, confront JAMB to remark your script If you are sure of yourself and what you wrote on the 27th of April 2013.
Step by Step Guidelines on How To Get Jamb To Remarked Your Jamb 2013 Script/Paper.
We have decided today, to outline the step by step guidelines to help you apply for jamb remarking:
Step 1. Proceed to JAMB’s office, which is located in FCT Abuja.
Because all scripts are usually sent there for Marking/Remarking.
Step 2.
You will pay an application fee of N10,000, and a receipt would be issued to you, to prove it’s official.
Step 3.
Your script would be searched, brought out, and marked in your presence, that is, your script will be remarked in front of you.
Don’t get agitated, just relaxed and see what comes out.
Important Notice:
There will be no REFUND of the N10,000, if you were given the right score by Jamb.
Once your script is marked, there are two consequences that could occur.
1 .You were given the right score by JAMB, you lose your N10,000, you go home, either write Post-UME with that score, or you will have to wait till next year.
2.JAMB made a mistake and gave you the wrong score, this will prompt JAMB to officially apologizes for their mistake, and the inconvenience they caused you, give you your actual marks obtained, and you get a compensation of N100,000 (hundred thousand naira only)..
What’s on running through your mind now?
Probably, you are asking when you can get your script remarked?
It will commence on the 3rd of June 2013.
The Dailyschoolnews team is wishing you the Best of lucks!
I’m nt living anywhere close to abj and ℓ̊ did my exam independently…is it possible to send anybody to jamb office on my behalf or do ℓ̊ need to be there in person
Really? Really?? Really???
am pleases your people to release this my center result 27108,Exami nation centre Name. Meved model int’l High school,18 oluozu street, oginigba, Trans-Amadi,Phc , i use God name to beg your people in that jamb office to release this our result god will bless your people
How do you expect us to travel all the way to Abuja. No other centre for that in lagos here?
Is there a possible way 2 just pay d money 2 there account and check it online, bcuz am in rivers state, i cnt pay transport 2 abuja nd pay 10,000 2 remark my script. Wat abt my transport fair 2 cum bak 2 rivers. Tink wel nd ansa me tanx
I am living in sapele, can it not be do in nearby office of jamb? In order to minimize transportation .
Post ume has been written ready by the school i fill, what i rally wanted is for my script to be remarked, to be sure of what i would have got if it where completed mark, there were mistake at the day of Tne exam, the mistake is this i did not shade my subject box like physics, chemistry and mathematics, answer has been provided already what i have written should be mark and send to me thank you.