Home » Joint Admission and Matriculation Board - JAMB » JAMB UTME Candidates Who Scores 150 -179 Should Read This Information

JAMB UTME Candidates Who Scores 150 -179 Should Read This Information

Hello there, are you among JAMB UTME Candidates who scored between 150 -179? Here is the Next vital step you should take, to ensure, that you secure admission into your school of choice for the 2015/2016 academic session.

DID you score Less than 150 in the JAMB 2015 Examination? Here’s the Next Critical Step To Follow.

Using this medium, we wish to inform and notify all candidates whose participated in the JAMB CBT examination, and scored between 150 – 179 in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Take note that the main purpose of this article, is to inform and guide you, through this critical time, on the next step you are to take, to further your education.

Did i Reach Nigeria Universities, Polytechnics Cut Off Marks?

Well, you can check it yourself, if you reach the cut off mark of your school for 2015/2016. Click Here to check yours now!

If you’re going for any Nigeria Universities, Well, the truth is that, you did not meet the cut-off mark that is acceptable in most Nigeria Universities. (Take note that the post utme cut off mark is constantly changing, so we’ll advice you, to keep checking the list)

But before you feel bad or sad, take note, that this does not mean, that you cannot secure admission this year.

Even if you can not secure admission into Universities due to your JAMB scores, you can surely get admitted into any Nigeria polytechnics of your choice. Since Most Nigeria Polytechnics’ cut-off mark fall between 150 – 179 scores.

Also be informed, that you extra qualified to apply for admission into any college of education in the country.

However, the next step which we would advice you to take now, is to check the polytechnic, which you selected as the ‘preferred institution’ during your JAMB UTME Registration.

The information gathered will enable you know if you are to go for change of course or institution.

We won’t advice you to go for change or institution if you want to go to your selected Polytechnic, however, if you decided to go for Universities, then you can wait and check the CUT off marks of the University that your scores is up to.

Did you Know?

Are you aware that some candidates who wrote the JAMB 2015 cbt examination results are different?
They received different scores via sms, and while checking it online, it was different. You can see the reason whay candidates results are changing by Clicking Here

You can check your jamb 2015 result online for free by Clicking Here

Whats the Next Step

The very next step you should be aware of, is POST UTME for 2015!

You should take note, that the next step is writing the POST UTME examination. We would advice you, to read your school of Choice past POST UTME questions and answers.

We’ve also discovered, after several years of helping candidates write the POST UTME examination and coming out with flying color, that the ONLY secret, is reading your school past questions papers and answers.

The truth, is that some academic institutions do repeats their post-UTME questions. Therefore, we would advice you, to try as much as possible, to study your school of choice POST UTME Examination.

Important Note
Take note, that the only RESULT which is recognized during your POST UTME examination, is the ORIGINAL JAMB Result slip, the Original JAMB RESULT slip for 2015 is not yet released, when it is released, we’ll surely inform you.

Once you have got your post utme past questions and answers, then you should proceed and wait for your school’s post-UTME Examination date, which has not yet been released, when the 2015 POST UTME date is announced, Dailyschoolnews Nigeria, will be the first among many, to notify your FIRST!

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