Are you writing the JAMB 2014 examination? then here are Nine tips you must note before entering the jamb examination hall.
JAMB 2014 Examination Preparation Tips
1. Ensure that You Look After Yourself:
When preparing for examination, make sure that you are well rested and well nourished in preparation for your examination. Remember its almost impossible to successfully take an exam when you are not well.
2. Plan Your Work:
When preparing for any examination, please ensure that you Know when to read and how to read your books. Some people concentrate best at night and others during the day. So just make you know what works for you and when you can easily understand what you read.
3. Please Do Study The JAMB UMTE Syllabus:
Studying the jamb syllabus that comes with your registration slips will help you understand your course.
4. Your Details
Please be sure that you are clear about the venue for your exams, and the required materials to bring and not to bring.
5. Past Questions and Past Answers
To get you well prepared for the JAMB examination, you need to read related subjects about your course, and you can achieve this by getting JAMB past questions and Answers.
6. Don’t Be Afraid:
When writing any examination, even if you are under-prepared, don’t ever let Panic get to you, or you might even forget your Name, so whenever entering any examination hall, including that of JAMB, don’t panic, stay calm and give JAMB questions your best shot, and believe that you can do it.
7. Time:
When writing any examination, know that TIME is of essence, and you should know that the alloted time to each paper should be met within the time.
8. Always Stay Positive
Since i have got through this stage before, i know what it feels like, when you see Thousands of students struggling to make score high in JAMB, you might become a little down, that these people are much better than you academically or they have better chance of scoring high.
Please make sure that you don’t ever be-little yourself, you’re very much bigger and better than everyone in the world, and you’re the best!.
9. Remember Your God
When going to any examinations, you should remember to pray to your God, as for me, i always committee my exam to Jesus Christ, and yes, i always scale through. You too can do this, just pray to your God.