Today, we’ve recieved some information, that the Management board of the Ebonyi State University (EBSU) have just released all her 2012/2013 2nd Semester examination result.
Currently, here are the List of Course which have been released so far:
1. Math102
2. Phy102
3. Ich 104
4. Csc
5. Phy192, etc.
How to Check your Ebsu 2nd Semseter Result for 2012/2013
Are you aware that the Ebonyi State University Ebsu did provide her students, with two options in checking their semester results, which is Offline and Online method.
In order to check your result for the 2nd semester, do kindly walk into your department Notice Board and check your result.
You can also pay the Sum of 500 Naira into Ebsu Ict Account at Ebsu Micro-Fiance Bank Campus, and after the payment, a scratch card will be issue to you there, which you are to use in checking your results.
To check your result online, it’s very simple.
Just login to to Check your Result.
Wishing You the best.
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