Student sport is a generalized category of student’s activities in the form of competition and preparation for it in order to achieve maximum results in the chosen sports specialization.
Historically, it is the main source of widespread physical culture and sports among young people, and its core, is the main feeding environment for all physical culture and sports activities of young people.
Analysis of the data shows that the respondents are aware that playing sports contributes to their self-development, independence, “positions” and “optimism”, and their ability to win are strengthened. With its help, the skills of group, collective, and sports interaction are acquired: cooperation not only with a physical education teacher, but also with team members, and readiness to provide assistance.
At the same time, it is clear that some young people do not yet feel their leadership qualities, it has become more difficult for others to learn, some are not yet ready to give up their pernicious, bad habits.
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Sport as Part of a Common Culture.
Considering sport as part of the general culture of society, the three most important components are distinguished in the structure of its values: general cultural, socio-psychological, and specific.
All these three value indicators reveal the potential of sports, including student sports. Sports activities of students allow them to approach the solution of the main task of our time – providing an opportunity for every person in a changing, unpredictable world to feel confident, and protected, while competently shaping and preserving their physical, spiritual and moral health.
All this as a whole makes it possible to improve the quality of life of students, to develop the sports culture of the personality of students in the conditions of the university, thereby directly influencing the general culture of society.
Surveys among students of the profile show that sport has a positive effect not only on the physical development of young people but also on their emotional and spiritual development. So we can conclude that student sports play a very important role in preparing a viable and socially active young generation. Forming the culture of youth, it acts as a building element in the formation of the general culture of society.
After all, the younger generation is a very important socio-structural component, since in the future it is from it that society will be formed. It is necessary to form a culture of behaviour, communication, and social relationships in people at an early age, and it is a sport that helps to do this “painlessly” and unobtrusively.
Student sport, with its rich value potential, has a direct impact on the general culture of society. This is done through the socialization of the student’s personality.
Physical and spiritual improvement of a young person’s personality, his full-blooded and active life, health, healthy lifestyle, the spirit of sports rivalry, respect and empathy – these are the human values that form the basis of physical education and student sports.
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