Kogi State Polytechnic (KSP) Pre-ND To ND1 Admission List For 2013/2014 Released

Using this medium, we wish to inform and notify all candidates who did their Pre-ND in the last academic session of the Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja (KSP) that the list of qualified students to ND1 has been uploaded online by the school official technical team.

While for all those qualified candidates, note that you can now Print their Admission letter and complete your Registration online by following the links/guidelines which are shared below:

How to Complete Kogi State Polytechnic (KSP) Registration Online

(A) To Print out your admission Letter:
1. Click Here

2. When the portal loads up, you will be required to type in your Registration number in the format: 13/PND/FS/001 OR 13/PND/SEC/004 OR 13/PND/BUS/142 OR 13/PND/AID/040

3. After you have successfully done this, you’ll need to click “Preview” to view your admission letter

4. After that, you should click on “File”, Print

(B) To Sign Up:

1. TO register, you can do that by Clicking Here

2. After doing this, you’ll need to type in your Registration Number.(13/PND/BUS/070) in place of Matric No., Choose/Type your password, Re-type your password to confirm.

3. Then you can proceed to click the ‘Click Here to Sign Up’ button to complete your signup.

(C) To Pay Your Fees online:
1. DO you know that you can pay your school fees online? You can pay your school fees by Clicking Here

2. Type Your Registration Number (13/PND/FS/067)
Type your Reg. No. and password
Click Login and Pay
Click Global Pay

Note that you can Read the information displayed and do not proceed if the information is incorrect.

Type your e-mail address.
Check the total amount you are to pay.
Ensure that you have sufficient money in your bank account.
The account must have an ATM Card either MasterCard or VisaCard.
To continue the payment, Click ‘Pay using GlobalPay’
Follow the instruction and supply your ATM Card information.
Type the Card Number and Security Code(last three digits at the back of the card)
You may be required to type activation code(to be obtained from your bank)
Complete the payment and print your Receipt if the payment is successful

(D). Note that for you to print your Course Form, you can do that by clicking here

When the web portal loads up, you will be required to type your Reg. No.(13/PND/FS/067) and password
Click ‘Login’
Click First Semester Course Registration
Fill all necessary information
Check the last small box to ‘Agree’ with the Terms and Conditions
Click Submit
Click Print Course Form to view your Registration details
Print a copy of the Course Form
Note your New Matric Number and list of Courses to be offered
Make three(3) more copies to be submitted at your Department and Students Services

Important Note: N.B
1. note that you do not need the PIN to print your admission letter
b. You can not pay directly into the school account at the bank.
c. Do not pay into other people’s account.
d. Use your own ATM Card for the payment.
e. Do not reveal your card PIN/Code to anyone.
f. Do not delete the SMS bank alert from your phone

Wishing all KSP candidates/students the very BEST, and don’t forget to share this information with your friends on facebook and twitter, using the share buttons below.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News

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