JAMB Result Checker Portal Login For 2023

Latest report reaching us today is that the result of all candidates who wrote the JAMB 2023 Examination, is out. This guideline will help you check your JAMB 2023 Result using the JAMB result checker portal for 2023.

Here are the Official guidelines on how to use the JAMB Result Checker as authorized by the JAMB Official Board.

Important Notice:

This is to inform all candidates/students who participated/sat for the 2023 JAMB Examination, that they can now check their results using the Below step-by-step guidelines.

This article is to help guide you so that you wouldn’t make irrelevant mistakes as other candidates while trying to check their UTME 2023 Examination.

This is to inform all candidates who participated in the recently concluded Jamb Examination, that they will be able to check the outcome of their JAMB result using the guidelines below.

How To Check JAMB Result Online (Result Portal).

STEP 1: To check your result, visit the JAMB Result checker Page https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/eFacility_/CheckUTMEResults

Jamb result checker portal login

STEP 2: When the page loads up, you will be taken to the checker Page as displayed in the above image.

STEP 3: On the Page, you are to enter your 2023 UTME JAMB Registration number in the empty box provided.

STEP 4: Next, click on the “Check My Results” button.

JAMB UTME Result Portal | JAMB Result Checker.

To check your results, you need to access the 2023 JAMB Result Checker and  proceed with the following simple steps;

  • The first step is to visit www.jamb.gov.ng, the official JAMB portal.
  • Next, locate and click on ‘E-facility’ on the menu bar displayed on your screen.
  • On the page that shows up, click on the ‘UTME 2023 Main Results Notification Slip’ button.
  • On the next page, you’ll see a blank column, type in your ‘JAMB Reg Number’ or ‘Phone Number’ in the space provided
  • Then Click on the button that says: ‘‘Check My Result’’ to check yours.
  • Wait for the JAMB portal to load up and your result will be displayed on your screen.
  • Congratulations!


We advised those who scored below the 2023 JAMB cut off marks to check for other institutions accepting below the official cut off marks.

More than 2,100,000 candidates were registered for the 2023 JAMB examination, which was held across the country during this period.

This year’s candidate count is among the largest and highest number of registered candidates since the existence of the JAMB UTME / DE exercise.

However, the good news is that the JAMB 2023 result can be checked through the JAMB official portal. Checking YOUR JAMB RESULT is absolutely FREE.

There is absolutely no need to ever pay anyone to CHECK your JAMB RESULT for you.

You won’t be needing any scratch card or additional payments to even check your JAMB RESULT.

Checking your Jamb Result will be as easy as A.B.C and we advise that you CHECK your JAMB RESULT with a computer or laptop.

You can also CHECK JAMB RESULT via a smartphone or mobile device.

The reason why we advise that you CHECK your JAMB RESULT with a Computer is because You’ll need to Print out the slip which is not obtainable on some Mobile Phones except the latest HD/Smart Mobile phones.

To check your result, you’ll need to visit the JAMB official Website.

Requirements To Check JAMB 2023 Result.

Requirements To Check JAMB Result

There are things that must be in place without which you cannot check your JAMB result, they include…

1. The SIM you used to register JAMB (This is the SIM with which you requested JAMB profile Code)
2. At Least N50 naira credit on the SIM (You cannot use the SIM bonus to check your JAMB Result)
3. A mobile phone for SMS or a Smartphone that has internet access to check JAMB result online.
4. Use the Step by Step Procedures shared Here on this page.
  1. Your Email address.
  2. Your Phone Number.
  3. Your JAMB Registration Number.

JAMB/UTME 2023 JAMB Result Checking Instructions.

1. You’re required to visit JAMB OFFICIAL WEBSITE shown above.
2. When it opens up, do check your upper right side once the site is opened.
3. Then insert your PIN, Serial No or Reg Number.
4. When your JAMB RESULT has been shown to you, print out the copies for further usage.

Note that further information regarding the Jamb Result Checking portal will be shared via this page.

Things to note in Checking Jamb Results 2023.

1. You will not be buying a scratch card to check your results.
2. Keep away from fake Jamb officials who claim and promise to change your JAMB RESULT / JAMB SCORE for you.
3. Jamb will never collect money from students so as to rank them higher than other students.
4. Make sure you have the full details of the school you are about to enter before travelling there.
5. You can check Jamb results on your Computer, Desktop, Laptop, Netbook and Notepads, iPhones, iPad, and other high-tech browsing devices.

You might just have problems printing your result, except with the usage of a Desktop or Laptop system.

Please Note that For Further Information regarding the JAMB RESULT, memorized this www.dailyschoolnews.com.ng.

Don’t Forget To share this information with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Want Us to Check Your JAMB RESULT 2023 For You For Free?

  • Then LIKE us on Facebook by clicking the link below and LIKE it or join us on Twitter.
  • For Mobile Phone Users: LIKE US on Facebook and JOIN US ON TWITTER.
  • You can go drop your JAMB registration number here so we can help you check your UTME Score.

About the author

Joseph Richard

A graduate of Medicine From IMSU, Current Nurse, Tertiary institutions news anchor and lover of Information. I love reading and sharing valuable Information/Tips/News


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